IBMA World of Bluegrass Festival

The IBMA World of Bluegrass Festival is a three-day event that features bluegrass music, workshops, and more. The festival features live bluegrass music from some of the most talented musicians in the world, as well as up-and-comers in the scene.

This year’s festival was moved indoors to accommodate Hurricane Ian’s arrival in North Carolina. Raleigh saw the worst effects of Ian on Friday night, so Daniel, my friend, Allie, and I elected to wait until Saturday at noon to venture out to the festival. 

Considering the pivot to an indoor festival at Raleigh’s Convention Center just days before the festival began, the bluegrass musicians and vendors at IBMA did not disappoint. We started Saturday off by listening to the sweet low tones of the cello banjo, a unique instrument that is just coming back into the bluegrass scene. Next up was The Gospel Jubilators, a local men’s acapella group from Durham. Allie had a great time clapping along to the beat. 

After a little gospel, we were off to explore the exhibit hall, wherein we admired the art and skill employed to craft the musical instruments responsible for the wonderful twang of bluegrass music. One guitar/mandolin maker had driven all the way from Wisconsin to attend the event and to, hopefully, sell a few instruments; after pausing to admire their craftsmanship, they were only too happy to shower us in swag: a lovely Christmas ornament, a guitar pick, and a few product stickers.

At the exhibit area, many new musicians trying to make a name for themselves were featured on local stages. We caught Echo Valley at the Virginia stage: the family group dressed to the nines in their retro apparel is one not to miss! 

To pay homage to North Carolina, we hit the Come Hear NC stage next and enjoyed the beautiful harmonies of Violet Bell. We hope to catch this group again at the NC State Fair later this month!

Our last performance was by far the best one – The Dave Adkins Band. This five-member band interlays the soulful music of the banjo, mandolin, guitar, fiddle, and bass in a way that really resonated with both Daniel and me. This group played two gospel pieces in memory of Dave Adkins’ grandmother, and you could certainly see the impact those songs had on the audience. Some were weeping, some were smiling, but everyone was stomping and clapping along to the beat. Be sure to check out the clip below!

Dave Adkins at IBMA. It’s a little washed out, but we hope you enjoy the music!

This is the second IBMA World of Bluegrass Festival Daniel and I have each attended, and I can safely say it won’t be our last. Until next year, IBMA!